
阿蘇中央高校 阿蘇ジオパーク学プレゼンテーション / Aso Geopark study presentation by students at Aso Chuo High School!






A study presentation was held at Aso Chuo High School by 1st grade students, who learn ‘Aso Geopark’ as a compulsory subject.

After having lectures on Geopark, natural disaster and disaster prevention by curators of Aso Volcano Museum and a staff of Aso Geopark Promotion Council last June, they’re divided into groups and have carried self-study in their interested field of Aso Geopark such as Mt. Aso, the caldera, grasslands and natural springs and many more!

Each groups made a presentation, which they had researched in museums and interviewed related people throughout their summer holiday.

Making use of their studies, a presentation by students at Aso Volcano Museum Symposium and making new leaflets have been planned for Geopark activities.

Thanks for all students learning Aso Geopark! Hope you to share what you enjoy and lean from this Geo-study to your friends and family. and carry on exploring!