
草千里ヶ浜:野焼き再開! Kusasenri-ga-hama, Noyaki is back!

草千里ジオサイト 約50年ぶりの野焼き再開!】
阿蘇の代表的観光地、草千里ヶ浜。烏帽子岳を背景に、緑美しい草原の中には、シンボル的な2つの池(実は、この池、はるか昔に起きた噴火の火口跡!)、また、馬がのんびりと草を食み、乗馬やトレッキングを楽しむ人々の姿が見られ、この草原を住みかとする生きものがいます。 そんな草千里ヶ浜はみんなに愛されるジオサイトです。
その草千里ヶ浜で、約50年ぶりとなる野焼きが行われます。野焼きは、森林化を防ぐとともに、新芽の成長を促します。放牧や採草といった人々が草原を利用し管理することで、草原を維持するサイクルのひとつです。ここ草千里ヶ浜では、以前まで放牧が行なわれ、牛や馬たちが草原の草を食べ、地を踏み固めることで、草原を維持していましたが、放牧中止後、雑木や草が成長し、ヤブ化が進んだため、地元行政、牧野組合、阿蘇グリーンストックの野焼きボランティアさんが中心となり、野焼きが再開されることになりました。 美しく、みんなに愛される草千里ヶ浜を後世に残していきたいですね。



Kusasenri Geosite; Noyaki will be carried out for the first time in about 50 years!

Kusasenri-ga-hama in Kusasenri Geosite is one of our popular destinations for tourists. While having Mt.Eboshidake as a background, there are two ponds (Actually remains of craters!), horses eating grass, people enjoying horse-riding and trekking, and also creatures living in the beautiful grassland, Kusasenri-ga-hama which we all love.

In the Kusasenri-ga-hama, Noyaki, burning fields will be carried out for the first time in about 50 years. Noyaki prevents grassland becomes forest and also helps to welcome new buds. It is one of conservation cycles to maintain grassland as well as grazing and harvesting grass. Grassland has been maintained by humans at least 1,000 years as it is important for our living. In the past, grazing was carried out in Kusasenri-ga-hama. Cattle used to eat and step on grass therefore grass didn’t grow high, so we could maintain the grassland. However, since the grazing stopped, the grassland tends to turn into bush. So that Noyaki is carried out again by support of local government, stock farming association and Noyaki volunteers by Aso Greenstock to maintain the beautiful Kusasenri-ga-hama for next generations.

Find more about Kusasenri Geosite:http://www.aso-geopark.jp/en/geosites/geosite03.html

Noyaki at Kusasenri-ga-hama
Data: Saturday 27 February
Lit fire at 1pm, end at 2:30pm
*Due to weather condition, the schedule may change.
*For safety reason, there is a traffic regulation between Kusasenri Lookout and an old skiing site. Taking pictures is strictly regulated. Please follow staff advice.