
島原半島ユネスコ世界ジオパーク、済州島ユネスコ世界ジオパーク 復興支援ツアー





The Rock Connects Us; About 60 people of guides and the local of Unzen Volcanic Area and Jeju Island UNESCO Global Geoparks visited Aso UNESCO Global Geopark to support restoration of the region. The group joined a tour programme at both natural and cultural sights which affected by the Kumamoto Earthquakes to discover dynamic geological story and how people live together with Earth’s activity guided by Aso Geopark Guides Association. During the tour, they also enjoyed local gourmet and productions. Thank you for cheering us up and generous donation to Aso Geopark’s recovery. The donation will be used for restoring and maintaining existing geo-sites, create new geo-sites focused on the risks related to our region’s geology to increase awareness of geo-hazards, and revitalize our community through the continuation of Geopark activities.

Aso Geopark area is damaged hugely by the quakes. Restoration work is now underway. Due to suspension of main traffic network, numbers of visitors has decreased and hit regional economy significantly. Compared to last year, visitors at Aso Volcano Museum, a main facility of Aso Geopark, dropped to 10~20%. Take alternative routes to Aso region and explore the magnificent volcanic land!

Condition of Aso Geopark

Access Map to Aso region

島原半島ユネスコ世界ジオパーク Unzen Volcanic Area UNESCO Global Geopark:http://www.unzen-geopark.jp/
済州島ユネスコ世界ジオパーク Jeju Island UNESCO Global Geopark:http://geopark.jeju.go.kr/english/